Archive for April, 2013

The Amount of Exercise You need to Burn off Calories from eating a Burger…

April 26, 2013

Let me share you this link from Yahoo. Very interesting fact that one can use this strategy to lose weight.  Think how much exercise you need to do to burn off the calories from the food you re eating…


Is a Burger Worth 7,500 Sit-Ups?

Most people have stared down a pint of ice cream or a bag of chips and tried to figure out how much more they’d need to work out in order to burn off the extra calories. Unfortunately, you can’t really eat whatever you want and just work out a little more later. “No, it is not an even exchange,” Franci Cohen, a personal trainer, certified nutritionist, and exercise physiologist in New York City, told Yahoo! Shine. “In fact, over-exercising will actually cause the muscles to break down instead of build up, and the metabolism slows down as a result of excess exercise as well.” Still, a Texas Christian University study of 300 adults presented at the Experimental Biology 2013 conference in Boston this week found that learning how much more you’d need to exercise to work off a burger was enough to make people pick a lower-calorie meal. Wondering if that candy bar is worth it? Here’s what it would take to work off some of our favorite indulgences. 

A single Whopper from Burger King is 630 calories, or the equivalent of spending an hour going full-tilt on the elliptical machine. Rather do sit-ups or crunches? You’ll have to bust out 7,500 of them. (All workout results calculated for a 140 pound woman, using exercise data from

Ben & Jerry’s Phish Food premium ice cream packs 280 calories into each 1/2-cup serving. That’s a little more than an hour’s worth of pumping iron. But who stops at a single serving? Eat the whole pint and do about five hours of weight lifting (or almost two hours of bare-handed rock climbing).


I enjoyed reading the link that it makes us realize… fat is really from all the food we eat..and therefore…controlling ones desire to indulge is key to curbing  your appetite.

Indulge but only on occasions.