Archive for August, 2012

Statins and Diabetes: What’s New?

August 22, 2012

The fear of developing Diabetes due to the use of cholesterol lowering drug Statins made headlines in the past few years.

We use Statins to lower cholesterol known to cause heart attack and stroke. Studies have shown that statins indeed can lower ones risk to suffer a heart attack or stroke. So when the issue of this drug increasing the blood sugar…which then is the lesser evil?

Or are we treating on one disease and in return give rise to another disease?

The recent analysis of the big statin study called JUPITER  published in Lancet August 11, 2012 raised some very important issues that can clear the controversy:

  1. The risk of developing diabetes mellitus with statin therapy is limited to patients already at a high risk for developing diabetes. These individuals include those with impaired fasting glucose, metabolic syndrome, severe obesity, or increased hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels.
  2. In these high-risk patients however, the benefits of statin therapy outweighed the risk of diabetes

This is therefore a very welcome development in this area of Medicine.